Bhairava Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

Details You should know about Bhairava Mudra

Bhairava Mudra

During meditation, the bhairava mudra is a symbolic, ceremonial motion of the hands that is frequently employed in a spiritual yoga practice to create a balanced energy flow and to promote relaxation. Bhairava is a Hindu god linked with destruction and regarded as a violent incarnation of Shiva the Destroyer; it is also a Sanskrit phrase that may be translated as “terrible” or “frightening.” Mudra, which is also a Sanskrit noun, can imply “gesture,” “mark,” or “seal.”


 In this mudra, the right hand is put on top of the left hand, with the palms facing up. In a version known as bhairavi mudra, the left hand can be placed on the right hand to create a similar effect.

Bhairava mudra is thought to be a natural gesture that harmonizes the body’s energy flow when used in conjunction with meditation and pranayama practice. Activating consciousness and manifestation, it is said, may be accomplished by reversing the hand positions (with the left hand positioned on top of the right).

According to Tantric writings and yoga practice, individual consciousness is merged in the mind and body when doing the Bhairava mudra. This is the ultimate mudra, when personal awareness is unified in the mind and body, both the inside and outside Self are one.

It is the most significant aspect of meditation yoga, and it is called Bhairava mudra. In yoga, meditation is an ancient technique that offers the mind with a tranquil and pleasant experience. It also helps to clear the mind of bad ideas, which may be very beneficial. Bhairava Hand Mudra is one of the many techniques that may be used to assist your brain in healing and performing better. Yog Mudra for Soothing and instant relieving effects on anxiety, It gives you the ability to concentrate your thoughts. 

Bhairava mudra is a yogic hand Gesture of Lord Shiva often used to ensure that Pranayama and meditation practice is as comfortable as possible. It is often referred to as Lord Shiva Mudra or Shakti mudra. According to Hindu tradition, Bhairava is a manifestation of Shiva who is connected with the destruction of all things. It demonstrates the immense strength of Shiva.

Bhairava Mudra Benefits

  • The Bhairava mudra helps to maintain a healthy equilibrium between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • It helps to balance the opposing forces in mind and the body.
  • Hand Mudra for anxiety, It has very relaxing and immediate calming benefits on anxiety, Mudra for curing stress, and mood swings, among other things.
  • This mudra also promotes inner quiet, tranquility, and stillness, allowing the practitioner to experience a sense of oneness.
  • Practicing Bhairavi mudra helps keep the secretion of Bindu or nectar (which is located at the top of the head) under check, which aids in awakening the kundalini.
  • Additionally, Bhairavi mudra aids in the retention of semen and even the movement of semen upwards in the form of seminal energy. Traditionally, yogis utilized this technique to preserve Brahmacharya (celibacy), but anybody may use it in the home to treat early ejaculation.
  • The Bhairavi mudra promotes the production of ‘Ojas’ shakti in the brain, which results in the state of Urdhvareta, a form of bliss.
  • It stimulates and activates all five elements (Pancha tattva), as well as chakras, prana, and doshas. This helps to prevent sickness from entering the body through the skin.
  • The practitioner gains a sense of togetherness and knowledge due to this.
  • It brings the Prana Vata and the Apana Vata into equilibrium. This helps to keep the Prana-Apana axis in a balanced state.

How to practice Bhairava Mudra 

  • Assume a comfortable meditation position, such as Padmasana, sukhasana, or a variation thereof.
  • Make careful to maintain your head and spine in a straight line.
  • Close your eyes and take a few long, deep breaths with concentration.
  • Place your hands on the corresponding thighs with your palms facing upwards and hold for 30 seconds.
  • With slow-motion, raise your hands to the center of your body, where they will be placed on your lap.
  • For both hands’ fingers to point in opposing directions, cross the right hand’s palm over the left hand’s palm.
  • Meditate in this position for 15-45 minutes, depending on your comfort level.
  • To emerge out of this mudra, open your eyes and lay your hands on your thighs or knees, depending on how you choose to exit.
  • Now it’s time to relax and take a deep breath.

Bhairava Mudra Practice Time & Precautions

Bhairava mudra should be practiced in the early morning hours to reap the maximum advantages from it. However, it may be done at any hour of the day, according to the need and convenience of the practitioner. Either commit a continuous 35-45 minute period to its practice or achieve it for 15 minutes three times a day, as desired. Always do this hasta mudra on an empty stomach or at least one hour after a meal to get the best results.

Symptoms and Consequences

On the other hand, all mudras are suitable for us and have no negative impacts on us. It is not recommended to apply pressure on the thumb. Pressure indicates that your mind is agitated and unsteady in its operations. As a consequence, absolutely nothing happened. This mudra should be performed freely.


The most fantastic part about Bhairava mudra is the extraordinary and immediate response it provides. One may instantly see the health advantages and growth of bravery due to the first practice session.

When it comes to enhancing the general functioning of the human body and experiencing disease-free and fierce life, there is nothing more straightforward than Bhairava mudra. This bhairavi exercise, when practiced over a long period, provides steadiness and a sense of meditation to your complete body and inner Self. These are the steps that people who suffer from everyday worries and Hand Mudra for mood swings must take.

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