Gyan Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Hand Mudras | 0 comments

Everything you should knowledgeable about Gyan Mudra

As for the mudra, it is the symbolic gesture,’ meaning a seal. The yogic hand motion known as Gyan mudra concentrates the mind during meditation. For this reason, it’s also called the “Gesture of Knowledge,” because true insight can only be gained through a stable and focused mindset.

As the name implies, yoga mudras are a series of hand positions used to conduct energy in the body. It is a sacred hand gesture or “seal” used to direct energy and sustain attention, known as chin mudra. An essential and well-known mudra, the Gyan Hand Mudra, can be found in Buddhism, Hinduism, and even in yoga. The Sanskrit word for “knowledge” or “wise” is Gyan; hence this gesture is frequently referred to as the Hand Mudra for Knowledge.

Gyan mudra is typically used while seated in meditation; however, some current-day practitioners are known to use it while holding standing asanas (postures), such as Nataraj asana (Dancer’s Pose) or utthita parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose).

Perform this mudra by creating a circle with your thumb and index fingertips on both hands. Continue to hold out your palm with three fingers outstretched, pointing upward. Chin mudra, gyana mudra, and cin mudra are all variations of the term “gyana mudra.”

Involvement of the index and thumb

Mystical thumb-and-index-finger posture representing gesture of supreme wisdom, the Gyan Mudra. The union of the individual soul with the ultimate soul, the evolution of wisdom over ignorance, and enlightenment are symbolized by the contact of the index finger and thumb.

Various great individuals have used this hand gesture throughout history to convey wisdom. The transmission of knowledge is symbolized by the Buddhist hand gesture vitarka mudra, which is comparable to the Hindu Gyan mudra. The Bhagavad Gita was claimed to have been given to Arjuna while Sri Krishna’s hands were in Gyan mudra during the Mahabharata conflict. He was giving him the ultimate knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita.

Gyan Mudra Benefits: 

  • Anger, melancholy, and intoxication can all be helped with the yoga mudra. It immediately influences the body’s master gland, making it the ideal yoga mudra for healing. Besides,
  • Gyan mudra empowers the three air elements and Enhances memory, concentration and creative thinking.
  • It gives a sense of security & groundedness for those who are afraid.
  • When we hold our fingers in this mudra, we strengthen our muscular system. Proper body mobility, respiration, and digestion are ensured by Gyan mudra.
  • Gyan mudra has therapeutic benefits for conditions like hypopituitarism, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and sleeplessness since it directly affects the pituitary gland and nervous system.
  • It aids in the recovery from drug dependence.
  • This mudra is very helpful for those who suffer from a lack of Vata energy in their bodies. Air element insufficiency causes Vata deficiency, which Gyan mudra corrects by augmenting the air element.
  • Due to hormonal fluctuations, high blood pressure and water retention in the body might occur. When the Pineal gland is stimulated by Gyan mudra, it influences the endocrine glands.

How to practice Gyan Mudra:

  • Come into a meditative position like Padmasana, Sukhasana, or sit upright on a chair with your spine straightened.
  • Open your palms upwards and gently stretch your fingers while your hands are on your knees.
  • Let go of your grip for a moment. Join two fingertips together to make a circle by bending the index finger toward the thumb.
  • Keep the other three fingers loose or slightly extended.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a moment. Focus on your breathing via your nostrils, and then slowly shift your attention to your third eye chakra.

The thumb should not be bent while making Gyan mudra with the index and thumb fingers. Instead of turning the index fingertip toward the thumb, you should move the index finger toward the tip of the thumb instead. As a result, the thumb stands for collective awareness, and the index finger represents individual consciousness. Bend the index finger toward the thumb to give one’s personal mind to the universal consciousness.

To modify the Gyan Mudra, try these methods:

  • It’s known as the Jnana Mudra, and it’s done by placing the index finger within the root of the thumb and then keeping your palm facing up on your knees.
  • Keep palm facing down on knees while performing the Jnana Mudra hand gesture, also known as the Chin Mudra.
  • You can use both hands to make the Gyan mudra. Lift the right hand in front of the chest while keeping the left hand on the left knee. Purna Gyan Mudra is the name of the pose.
  • Hands-on thighs in Gyan Mudra are an alternative to kneeling down on knees. Known as the Gyan Vairagya Mudra.

Gyan Mudra Practice Time & Precautions:

Mudras have therapeutic advantages when practiced for at least 45 minutes, according to research. As a result, devote at least 45 minutes a day to the practice of Gyan mudra. This mudra can be be performed in three 15-minute shifts if holding the fingers for the entire length is challenging for you. However, pranayama breathing exercises like as kapalbhati and Ujjayi make it much simpler to maintain fingers in Gyan mudra for an extended period.

Mornings are the optimum time to practice Gyan mudra, followed by 15 minutes of Prana Mudra.

Precautions and Adverse Reactions

Gyan mudra primarily boosts our body’s air element. You may have gas or food digestion issues due to this mudra’s effects on the stomach.

While practicing this mudra, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • When practicing this mudra, it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Uncomfortable clothing may disrupt your ability to focus.
  • The air element is already present in the Vata dosha. By using this mudra, you can improve your body’s supply of the essence of air. For Vata dosha, use this mudra in moderation.

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