Garuda Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

All you need to know about Garuda Mudra

Garuda Mudra:

In honor of the eagle, Garuda Mudra is called after it. Because the eagle is renowned for its self-control and independence, this mudra imparts those characteristics to its users. In addition, this Garuda Hand Mudra will help you feel more energized and inspired. It’s specifically designed to counterbalance the Vata dosha, which governs airflow through the body. Vata insufficiency makes you feel sluggish, irritated, and lethargic.

Connect the thumbs and open palm toward you with extended fingers to execute garuda mudra. While doing garudasana, you may notice this Eagle Hand Gesture / Mudra Hands in this position rejuvenate and stimulate blood flow in the body.

Representation using symbols:

It is said that Lord Vishnu, the god of preservation, rides on the back of the mythical creature Garuda in Hindu mythology. The king of birds and the wind, it is a giant bird. That is why this mudra is called after Garuda, because it cultivates a strong sense of discipline and commitment in the practitioner. Garuda also has enormous wings that they utilize to fly over the skies and express their independence. Similarly, the hands in garuda mudra signify inner freedom by emulating the vast sweep of the eagle’s wing.

 What It Means and How It Works

As for “eagle” and “gesture,” Sanskrit has “garuda” and “mudra,” respectively. The Garuda mudra so named because it resembles the open palms and outstretched fingers of the king of birds and wind, the eagle Garuda. When the thumbs are intertwined in this mudra, it can be seen as a union of the thumb’s elemental powers. The thumb represents the fire element (Agni); hence the Garuda mudra warms and lubricates the dry air. In this way, the fire element is balanced, and the stagnant bodily fluids are released.

The practice of meditation or pranayama is often used in conjunction with this technique. The Garuda mudra pranayama is thus sometimes referred to as. It’s also called the “Eagle Pose” in English.

Garuda Mudra Benefits:

Menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, tightness, and an unsettled stomach can all be alleviated via the practice of garuda mudra. Both sides of the body’s Vata are brought into harmony by using both hands in this asana.

The following are other advantages of Garuda mudra:

  1. Garuda mudra is the simplest way to cultivate a sense of freedom and a willingness to let go.
  2. Vayu dosha can be cured by bringing the components back into harmony, focusing on the air element (Vayu).
  3. A third benefit of practicing Garuda mudra is that it helps the digestive system by enhancing digestion.
  4. To combat exhaustion and lethargy by energizing the body and improving Apana Vayu’s ability to perform, it can be useful in get rid of lethargy and fatigue.
  5. This functions as a calming gesture for the mind by releasing Apana Vayu. As a result, it aids in the relief of anxiety and tension.
  6. Using the Garuda mudra, you may warm and lubricate the dry air. As a result, it aids in eliminating accumulated waste products in the body.
  7. Garuda mudra can help cancer patients by stimulating the lymphatic system and maintaining lymphatic outflow.
  8. The body’s blood circulation is also regulated when the Garuda mudra is held.
  9. The hands in Garuda mudra are placed in three separate places as specified in the instructions. Because of this, the kidneys, lungs, heart, and stomach are better able to perform their functions.
  10. There are no known side effects from using it.
  11. Garuda mudra is also helpful to establish robust immunity.
  12. Menstrual cramps and problems with the prostate gland can be alleviated.

When combined with pranayama, yogis execute Garuda mudra as part of a more advanced sadhana to cleanse the body and mind. As a result, the throat chakra (Vishuddha) is aided in its detoxification function. Thus, it is sometimes referred to as the Garuda mudra chakra.

How to practice Garuda Mudra?

When practicing deep breathing, Pranayama, and meditation poses, the Garuda Mudra’s hand motion is associated with the air. Both hands are used in this yogic hand motion. There are no restrictions on where or when you practice. This Garuda Hasta Mudra can be learned in a few simple steps.

  • Place your hand’s palms up on your thighs or knees in a comfortable seated position to begin.
  • Now put the right-hand wrist, top on the left-hand wrist. Make sure the fingers of both hands aren’t overlapping.
  • Once you’ve done that, join your thumbs together. Face your palms upwards.
  • The stance should resemble the wings of a bird.
  • OM must be the only thought in mind at all times.
  • As an additional consideration, it should be practiced simultaneously with both hands.
  • It is important not to alter your breathing rate when lying on your side.
  • For best results, hold the stance for 15 minutes at a time, three times each day.

In Tad asana Yoga (Mountain posture), or if you want, seated on a chair, you can perform this mudra.

Garuda Mudra Practice Time & Precautions:

  • Like any other mudra, Garuda mudra is most effective first thing in the morning.
  • But you can practice it anytime you have the opportunity to chant or sit for mindful breathing.
  • You’ll never get it right if you don’t practice this mudra three times a day.
  • Moderation is required for those with high blood pressure to engage in this practice.
  • Standing in tadasana or sitting in a chair are both excellent options for doing Garuda mudra.

Side Effects

However, all mudras are beneficial to us without having any negative consequences on our bodies. The finger should not be subjected to any kind of pressure. Pressure is a sign that your mental state is agitated and unsteady. As a result, there was absolutely no action taken at all. This mudra can be performed at will.


Health problems can be solved with Garuda mudra. Besides its numerous physical and mental benefits, it also uplifts your emotional features by increasing the meditative activities. You can use the Garuda mudra whenever you’re feeling sad, stressed out, or exhausted.

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