Ganesha Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

Details explanation about Ganesha Mudra
As a Hindu deity, Ganesha is worshiped at the beginning of an auspicious occasion and before any other god being prayed to. Because of this auspiciousness, we worship Ganesha in a variety of different ways. Lord Ganesha Hand Mudra is one of the various ways to express gratitude to Lord Ganesha by using all 20 fingers or the five elements of our body to demonstrate our appreciation.
Ganesha is known as Vighnaharta, which means ‘Problem’ or ‘Destroyer’ or ‘Remover.’ There are many ways to gain power and courage from inside and the Ganesha mudra teaches us how. The Ganesha Hand Mudra (hasta yoga mudra) is a Gesture of lord ganesha used to improve the heart’s physical and emotional strength at the same time. When both hands are held together at chest level in this mudra, it represents the convergence of physical and emotional stability.
Ganesha Mudra Benefits:
The practice of Ganesha mudra over an extended length of time will result in the following advantages for practitioners.
- Strengthened the Anahata Chakra
To strengthen one’s heart, the Ganesha Mudra should be practiced often. It fosters self-acceptance and boosts self-esteem in its practitioners.
When you clasp your hands, your heart chakra opens up because of the elicited warm sensation. Being more compassionate results from opening up the heart chakra, and being more humble and grateful for what you have is a result of doing so.
- Improved Lung and Heart Function
Exhaling and inhaling while maintaining proper posture are critical components of Ganesha Mudra Increase lung capacity. Toxicity is flushed from the lungs and chest by this procedure. Asthma patients can benefit from the Ganesha Mudra. Ganesha Mudra should be practiced every day by asthmatics.
- Strengthening of the upper body
Maintaining appropriate neck and upper body posture while performing Ganesha Mudra, you oppositely draw your joined hands. It is possible to feel a stretch in the upper back and shoulders and the arms and neck, which strengthens the muscles in the upper body.
- Reduction in Back and Neck Pain
Reduce neck pain and spondylitis are significantly when this position is practiced consistently because of the chest, shoulders, and arms stretching.
- Better Absorption of Nutrients and Improved Digestion
The Fire element is stimulated by the Ganesha Mudra, which is one of the five essential elements. As a result, it aids in igniting the Manipura Chakra, which in turn ignites the inner fire. This aids in the production of digestive fluids, which aids digestion.
- Self-Esteem Increase
Boost self-confidence and mental wellness when Ganesha Mudra is used. The enthusiasm of inner joy brought about by this mudra, which represents the constantly joyful Lord Ganesha, aligns the heart and body. It instills feelings of self-and other compassion in the heart. As a result, self-love and self-confidence are increased, and the body’s natural ability to repair itself is boosted.
- Increased well-being as a whole
As the Ganesha Mudra connects the body and the heart, this is essential for total wellness. A person’s complete mental and physical health improves with consistent practice.
How to practice Ganesha Mudra?
- Choose a seat that is convenient for you. It is better to practice in a comfortable position like Sukhasana (easy posture) or Padmasana (lotus pose) when practicing yoga.
- Relax your body and mind by taking a few deep breaths in and out.
- Bring your palms together in an ‘offering gesture,’ i.e., ‘Anjali Mudra,’ so that they touch.
- With this new hand position, the fingertips of each hand should now be towards your opposite elbows. Put your right hand over your heart and breathe in deeply.
- Experiment with bending your fingers now. Let go of each other’s fingers until they lock together. • They pull apart energetically without letting go of their hold.
- It’s also a good idea to reverse the lock and do it from that side as well.
- Then, elongate the position a bit.
- As you perform this move, chant the Ganesha Mantra. Chant the lord’s name with each breath to invoke him and his abilities. Alternatively, you might listen to the Ganesha Mantra, which is said to bring good fortune.
- “Gam” or “Om Ganapatyei Nemaha” is good breathing exercises.
Alternately, the palm of the left hand might be held out in front of the chest. It is held by the right hand, which is grasping the left hand. The hands are clasped together. Keeping the needles at heart level is critical. The hands are separated from one other.
Slowly release your fingers from the grips you’ve just taken hold of them. Come learn the Anjali Mudra. Bring your hands apart and settle into Sukhasana, the comfortable pose from where you began the motion. Relax.
Ganesha Mudra Practice Time & Precautions:
On an empty stomach at the beginning of the day, the Ganesha Mudra has similar benefits to other mudras. It is possible to perform it at any time of the day. This practice can be done following meals, as long as it is done 45-60 minutes after eating and not immediately. Ideally, it should be practiced 5 to 6 times a day to reap the most benefits. Keep your gaze fixed on Ganesha and the symbolic meaning of this motion throughout the performance. The act itself should be the whole focus of the mind. When one is exhausted or in a difficult situation, this gesture is most beneficial.
Precautions – Points to Keep in Mind
If you want to get the most out of practicing the Ganesha Mudra, you should keep in mind the following:
- To avoid discomfort, wear loose clothing. Cotton clothing is recommended!
- Please turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices while you sit in a contemplative position. Even if your phone is set to vibrate, it can still cause distractions and make it difficult to concentrate.
- By tightening your hold of clasped hands, you may inadvertently inflict pain on your long nails if you’ve got long nails.
- Pushing your head forward should not put undue strain on your neck.
- The Ganesha Mudra requires deep breathing and gentle exhalation. Your body and mind will be at ease as a result of this.
- Although it is recommended to perform this mudra on an empty stomach, if you must consume the food before performing this mudra, please wait an hour afterward.
- Please keep your mouth shut for a few moments after performing the Ganesha Mudra.

Written by HandMudra
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