Jnana Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Hand Mudras | 0 comments

How to Perform the Jnana Mudra (Gesture of Knowledge) and the Many Benefits of Doing So.

Words like “Jnana” and “Knowledge” are interchangeable. Knowledge here refers to a yogi’s enlightened insight that they acquire through the practice of yoga. This is a Gesture of Consciousness “Improves concentration, endocrine system and calms the mind.”

One of the simplest ways to learn yoga is to sit in meditation with your hands in Jnana Hand Mudra.

A familiar hand gesture used in seated meditation, yoga, pranayama, and other forms of mindfulness training is known as Jnana Mudra, Hand Mudra for consciousness. Preparing the yogi for reflection keeps the yogi’s attention focused inward.

Gyan, or ultimate knowledge, comes to yogis due to their lifelong focus on the interior journey of awareness. As a result, the Gyan Mudra is another name for this Mudra.

To do this, lock the index finger’s tip against the thumb’s tip.

The Knowledge and the Jnana Mudra

The Sanskrit word “Jnana” alludes to ‘knowledge’ or ‘wit,’ which has been adapted into English. Mudra is a compound term that includes “joy or pleasure” and the action of drawing something out.

According to prana yoga, an unstable mind is associated with the mobile Vayu (air) element represented by the index finger, whereas the thumb represents the Agni (Fire) element.

Jnana Mudra promotes mental stability by harmonizing the Vayu components with the Fire. Jnana Mudra – the gesture of knowledge – refers to only a stable mind developing wisdom or understanding.

In addition, ‘Vayu vardak mudra’ is also known as ‘Vayu vardak mudra’ since it increases the efficiency of the air element.

Interpretation of Symbols

Jnana mudra combines the Fire and air elements of the Panch Tatva, represented by our five fingers. The third, fourth, and fifth fingers on each hand remain unused, although they serve a symbolic purpose.

  • The smallest, ring-smallest, and middle-smallest fingers of the handstand for the following three aspects of nature:
  • Little finger stability – ‘Tamas Guna.’
  • Active and creative, this symbol of the ring finger is known as ‘Rajas Guna.’
  • In the middle finger, “Sattva Guna” means harmony and light.
  • To shift one’s awareness from ignorance to knowledge, one must overcome these three characteristics, according to Jnana mudra.

Individual consciousness (jivatma) is represented by the index finger, while the thumb represents supreme awareness (atman). As yoga’s zen-like culmination, the index finger-thumb association in Jnana mudra represents the ultimate harmony of two experiences (the individual and the maximum power). In this way, the ‘Mudra of wisdom’ justifies its status as a yoganga mudra.

This Mudra helps to relax and settle the mind by practicing it. Memory and concentration are boosted by using this supplement.

How To Perform Jnana Mudra

Practicing the Jnana mudra can be achieved by following this simple guide:

  • Sit comfortably in any meditative asana, such as padmasana, sukhasana, or siddhasana
  • 2. Extend your hands out in front of you and bring your index fingers to your thumb tips.
  • The last three fingers on both hands should be straight.
  • The palms of your hands should be facing up and resting on the knees.
  • Relax your arms and hands.
  • length of time
  • Jnana mudra is not restricted in any way. But it must be practiced at least twice a day for at least 15 minutes during meditation.
  • After prana mudra for 50 minutes to alleviate insomnia, frustration, and hostility.


  • Keep these alignments in mind to get the most out of Jnana mudra.
  • Keep your hands loose and relaxed. “
  • Ensure that the arms are not overstretched and within the bounds of the knees.
  • To apply the least amount of pressure, the index finger is pressed on the tip of the thumb.
  • The third, fourth, and fifth fingers should be slightly spaced apart and extended outwards.

The Jnana Mudra’s working mechanism

The index finger-thumb lock of jnana mudra creates a circuit that propels the energy into the body. This keeps the power from leaking into the environment when you’re meditating otherwise.

Because of the large number of nerve root endings in the fingers, this phenomenon occurs all the time. When a finger is locked, energy cannot leave the body or reach the brain because the extremities are blocked.

Another pranic circuit is made when the hands are placed over the knees, redirecting the prana inwardly.

To activate the hidden Nadi (Gupta Nadi), place your hands on your knees and press down on the inner thighs and perineum. The Muladhara chakra is stimulated as a result of activating the Gupta Nadi. This provides a sense of stability and a heightened level of consciousness.

Mudras such as the Jnana and Chin

Hands in jnana and chin mudras. Canva was used to create this image.

Jnana mudra is distinct from Chin mudra, although having the same finger configuration and hands placed in the same way.

This Mudra has the index finger bent down to reach the base of the thumb while keeping all three other fingers straight and separated.

Jnana Mudra is a hand gesture where the index finger and thumb make a circle that symbolizes the wheel of wisdom.

Another distinction is the position of the hands-on the knees. Hands placed on the thighs or knees with palms facing down have a calming impact on the mind when done in chin mudra.

On the other hand, Jnana Mudra calls for the hands to be placed palms upon the knees while in a seated meditation position. It creates a sense of spaciousness and subtly lifts the spirit and body.

Applications for Health Care

A study has shown that this Mudra can treat hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, and diabetes.

Cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and neuropathy can be alleviated by practicing jnana mudra.

It helps persons with insomnia get a good night’s sleep since it works so well.

The Advantage of the Jnana Mudra

  1. it improves focus.

Mind-calming properties of How to practice Jnana Mudra have long been recognized. As the mind calms, the brain becomes more acute. It improves the practitioner’s recall, focus, and comprehension.

  1. Awakens one’s consciousness

As a symbol, this Mudra acknowledges the supreme energy. We feel more open, relaxed, and peaceful when we bow to the divine force. Because it increases energy, it helps to educate the mind, body, and soul simultaneously.

  1. Increases muscle mass and stamina

Jnana mudra and conscious breathing supply the muscles with oxygen by directing energy flow (prana). It increases the power of the heart and other internal muscles.

  1. The endocrine system is improved.

The tip of the index finger is pressed against the root of the thumb to achieve jnana mudra. Pituitary and pineal gland acupressure points are located here. This helps the practitioner’s physical and psychiatric well-being by balancing their hormones.

  1. Relieves stress and tension.

Jnana mudra is used to remove all external noise to improve the meditation practice. As a result, it reduces anxiety, frustration, and stress symptoms of conditions.

  1. Aids in the treatment of addiction.

Brain-hemisphere harmony is achieved with this technique, and awareness and control are the results. On the other hand, Jnana mudra might help people overcome their addictions by boosting self-control.


Jnana mudra, as explained above, can help you lead a happy, peaceful, and happy life. This Mudra is the power pack for spiritual, psychological, and bodily Jnana Mudra Benefits. During meditation, try to achieve jnana mudra to help you feel more energized and refreshed.

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