Kalesvara Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Hand Mudras | 0 comments

What do You need To Know About Kalesvara Mudra?

The word Kalesvara in Kalesvara Mudra translates to Kala meaning time and Ishvara meaning god or lord together it means “gesture of time god.” The name is given after the Hindu deity Kalesvaram who ruled over time, and Lord Shiva is known to be the Kalesvara, and thus this Mudra (hand gesture ) is related to him. 

Kalesvara Mudra is included in yogic practice and will help you regain complete charge of your life. Practicing this Mudra will also benefit in controlling your mind. If you are someone with some addiction and want to get rid of it, then this Mudra will help you walk on the path of a positive attitude and habits. The primary benefit, as termed by many knowledgeable individuals, is that Kalesvara Mudra is helpful to get rid of the practice of procrastination. It will help you calm your mind, and you will be able to shift your concerns towards self-growth. 

Mudras, in general, are part of yoga and help in opening up the power trenches and de-clog the chakras of the body. Mudras can be very helpful for individuals suffering from anxiety, irritation, and restlessness. Kalesvara Mudra helps observe our character so that we can make changes in our lives accordingly. Our mind is a plethora of thoughts, and they all keep jumping from here and there like monkeys, thoughts oscillate, and we travel to the past and future in mere seconds instead of focusing on the present. Because this Mudra is helpful to get rid of the habit of procrastination, helps in focusing, and deducts negative thought processes, it is also called “Mudra for Monkey Mind.” If you need an optimistic change, then this Mudra will benefit you. Kalesvara Mudra should be performed 20minutes a day. 

How Kalesvara Mudra Works?

This Mudra is done with deep breathing consciously, and this helps in clearing the clogged power channels that bring clarity of mind. Practicing this Mudra will give you the ability to contemplate. Since all the power channels get removed, the mind starts to erase the disturbing thoughts and prevents them from taking a disastrous shape. Attempting Kalesvara Mudra every day, and if your side’s response is fast, you will get to see instant results. Still, it might happen that the benefits will not travel to do instantly, and in such case, you will have to be more patient and continuous in your practice. 

Steps for practicing Kalesvara Mudra 

The following steps mentioned will help you adequately in practicing Mudra:

  • First of all sit in a desirable meditative asana like Vajrasana, Sukhasana, etc. 
  • Now, slowly bring your hands in front of you while palms facing each other. 
  • Bring the tips of your middle fingers together, and make sure that they are projecting upward. 
  • Curl the ring, index, and little fingers inward to be able to join their first and second joints. 
  • Bring the tips of your thumbs together and point them down.
  • You will notice a heart shape is made from the curled forefingers and thumbs. 
  • Now, slowly draw the elbows in the outward direction. 
  • Ensure keeping your hands to the mid-chest level, thumbs pointing towards the sternum 
  • Take slow and deep breaths ten times.
  • Observe your breaths and slowly increase the gap between exhalation and inhalation 

Duration of Practicing Kalesvara Mudra 

  1. This Mudra is to be practiced for at least 5 to 10 minutes. 
  2. If you get to the advanced level, you must practice Kalesvara Mudra for 20 minutes. 
  3. One should practice the Mudra for 21 days, especially if someone is going for a good habit. You will have to practice this Mudra for 41 days to leave a bad habit. 
  4. Set your intention so that you can have a goal in your mind determining the duration of practice

Importance of Kalesvara Mudra 

Kalesvara Mudra helps in clearing the conflicting thoughts our mind tends to create, which helps make us calmer and more positive throughout the day. This Mudra also helps in observing the character, actions, and habits over time and thus opens a door for correcting or improving them. Kalesvara Mudra can be practiced by anyone who has a desire to change. 

Benefits of Kalesvara Mudra 

    We have already talked about the primary benefits Kalesvara Mudra gives, such as it being helpful to get rid of the habit of procrastination. Here, we will talk about the other benefits of this Mudra:

    Stimulates Ajna Chakra 

    This Mudra helps activate the third eye ( Ajna ) chakra, which is done by regulating the flow of prana in the Nadis ( energy channels ). It internships in enhancing the intuitive aptitudes and shedding of the fogged vision. 

    Developing Ability 

    Practicing this Mudra will help you change into a better self. As discussed earlier, this also works if you want to give up a bad habit or negative trait. 

    Improves Concentration Power 

    This Mudra benefits your nervous system, and that is why it will enhance your capability to focus more. It also helps in improving memory retention and getting rid of procrastination. 

    Control Over Senses 

    Kalesvara Mudra helps in uplifting the contemplating quality. This means that you have control over your senses and, in turn, make wise decisions whenever needed. This Mudra helps in controlling deleterious or unnecessary addictions and cravings. It also helps in reducing anxiety levels, depression, stress, etc.


    As humans, we have both perfections and imperfections. The goal is not to be doomed by negative energy, thoughts, and mistakes. There is no need to overthink. Instead, we have to encounter the issues. Kalesvara Mudra will act as a chance to resolve channels to change yourself or bring some new changes that are needed. The Mudra will positively affect your life and thus should not be neglected.

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