Karana Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

What do You need To Know About Karana Mudra?
Karana Mudra is a yoga mudra and a sacred hand gesture. This Mudra is used during meditation and yoga, vital in inflowing the fundamental life energy forces known as Prana. Besides being a yoga mudra, Karana Mudra also has an enormous significance in religion and culture. This Mudra is widely practiced by Tibetanian Bhusshist as well as Hindus. Karna Mudra is popularly known as one of the Buddha’s hands, Mudra.
The Karana Mudra is Buddha’s Gesture of expelling negativity. Practicing this, Mudra drives energy forces and fills the mind with positivity. This Mudra also helps in dispelling negativity, anxiety, depression, and fear and bringing contentment and happiness to the life of the practitioner. Karna Mudra is practiced by taking the right hand towards the heart, palm facing outside. The index and little fingers are in an upward direction, while the remaining two middle fingers are in a simultaneous fold touching the tip of the thumb. This Mudra helps stimulate ether and fire elements within the body, represented by middle fingers and thumb, respectively.
The mention and description of Karana Mudra are found in the Buddhist tradition as Gautam Buddha is portrayed meditating in Karana Mudra. It signifies the parting of opposing forces that fill the mind with positivity. Cultural beliefs also state that Karana Mudra helps get rid of mental blocks, negative emotions, demons, and even sickness. Due to this nature, Karana Mudra is also termed “Gesture of Bashing.” Karana Mudra is also used during asana practices, especially meditation and pranayam. If you chant mantras while practicing this Mudra, it will help you more. When paired with Ganesha Mantra, Karana Mudra will help remove obstacles from life. Practicing this Mudra will drive energy forces that will be positive, thus giving your peace.
Working of Karana Mudra
If you practice Karana Mudra with Pranayama or meditation, it will help you get close to optimism and enlightenment. While placing your hand into the chest, make Karana Mudra make a channel for the flow of life (Prana). You can chant this while inhalation and exhalation:
- Inhale – “may all the hurdles be removed?”
- Exhale – “May all the negative energy leave.”
Karana Mudra will include middle fingers that will be pressed against the thumb. This will help stimulate the body’s two elements, fire, and ether. This can be performed for 15 to even 45 minutes in the morning or evening.
How to Perform of Karana Mudra?
For performing Karana Mudra, you will have to follow the given steps:
- You will have sit comfortable in diserd asan from padmasana, Sukhasana or vajrasana. If you do not find these asanas comfortable, then sit cross-legged, or you can also choose to sit on a chair.
- Slowly bring your right hand towards your chest.
- Place the hand vertically or horizontally while opening the palm forward.
- Start flexing your middle and ring fingers.
- Bring them towards the center of the palm.
- Bend your thumb inwards and hold the fingers
- Now, straighten your index and little finger upwards.
- Place your left hand on your left knee, and keep the face of your palm upwards.
We can see a varied version of performing Karana Mudra to have another option of the way to choose from. Look down for the steps of various versions:
- Bring your right hand in front tog your chest
- The face of the palm will be outward
- You will have to fold your thumb, middle and little fingers
- Now, keep your ring and index fingers straight
- Let your left hand rest on the left knee, keep the face of your palm upwards.
Time Duration
- As a beginner, you can perform this Mudra with pranayama, asanas, and meditation for 15 minutes though you can perform it as long as you can.
- Once you become experienced, you must practice this Mudra for good 45minutes.
Importance of Karana Mudra
Mudras are hand gestures or postures that act as a medium of non-verbal communication and self-expression. Karana Mudra is one of the sacred hand gestures that focuses mainly on keeping the negative influences, energy thoughts, and all kinds of evils away. This Mudra drives energy forces and fills the mind with positivity. This Mudra is critical to eradicating negative feelings like anxiety, fear, depression, etc. Happiness and content come with this Mudra and thus should be practiced daily.
Benefits of performing Karana Mudra
We will list out some of the benefits that come from performing this Mudra:
- Karana Mudra will help you in keeping your mind filled with positive thoughts
- It will help in driving more vital energy forces
- This Mudra is also beneficial for health ailments
- Sickness is said to be removed by Karana Mudra
- Karana Mudra will help you in being fearless
- The obstacles of mind will be eliminated, and you will be able to think in a more transparent manner
- This Mudra will also help you in improving your flow of Prana
- You will be able to fight your demons off
Cleansing of the mind will be done by practicing Karana Mudra every day, and it will fill the mind with positivity, and you will be able to eradicate all the opposing forces of your life. We live a deadline-stricken life, and our workload is o much that anxiety and stress levels are on top, and that is why to clear our minds, having calmness in our nature, we need something, and that something is Karana Mudra.
We fear many things, including sudden changes in life and growth. In the era we live in right now, being fearless is very important, and this Mudra will benefit. Practicing Karana Mudra will also help enhance energy levels and bring peace from within and in your surroundings. If something is bothering you, a thought or emotion you cannot take care of, then practicing Karana Mudra daily will help you be content.

Written by HandMudra
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