Kubera Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

What do You need To Know About Kubera Mudra?
Kubera Mudra is one of the many hand gestures in yoga practiced to fulfill desires. This Mudra is used in yoga to focus on prosperity and abundance in spiritual and physical needs. Kubera, in Hinduism, is “God of Wealth,” and he is the one behind the fulfillment of human desires. Mudra, on the other hand, means “imprint,” “gesture,” or “seal.” Practicing Kubera mudra will give luck, confidence, and peacefulness.
You have to Practice Kubera Mudra while being comfortable and seated in a position such as Ardha padmasana. The palms face upwards, and the tips of the middle finger, index finger, and thumb get together, while the ring and little finger are folded together into the palms. This Mudra gives luck, confidence, and peacefulness. By the grace of Lord Kuber, you will have good wealth, and Kubera Mudra will fulfill all your desires. Kuber Mudra also brings contentment and passion for gratification.
The universe is the only one who decides what we will get and at which time. We can only put in our hard work to achieve our goals sooner or later. Converting desires to reality becomes valid only when the intentions are pure and honest. Kubera Mudra will act as a catalyst in this process, it will enhance the process, and we will achieve what we desire. Practicing Kuber Mudra will open many possibilities and opportunities for growth for you.
You can practice this Mudra while keeping your eyes closed, in a meditative state, or with opened eyes as well. When you join all the fingers together and form the Kuber Mudra, the energy will transmit into the universe, bringing abundance and fulfillment of all the desires. Kubera Mudra will also help you build confidence, energize the mind, improve self-confidence, promote empowerment, and also helps in boosting metabolism.
How does Kubera Mudra Work?
In Kubera Mudra, your three fingers will be in a systematic arrangement, and each finger plays a significant role:
The thumb will represent the fire element and possess the characteristics of Mars. It helps promote courage, leadership qualities, physical strength, and self-confidence.
Index Finger
The Index Finger will represent the Air element and possess the characteristics of Jupiter. Jupiter is known for auspiciousness, and it helps make people wealthy, commanding, spiritual, wise and educated.
Middle Finger
The middle finger represents ether elements and possesses Saturn’s characteristics, encouraging humbleness and productivity towards their karma.
When these three fingers come in unison, the planetary qualities help channel the energy. Thumb will help boost confidence and give you strength, and the middle finger will encourage you to do the karma and be humble. The index finger will add luck, thus fulfilling all the needs that should exist for achieving the desires. Kubera Mudra will not help that much if you will not remember your ultimate aim while practicing the Mudra, as this will help in facilitating the energy flow.
Steps for practicing Kubera Mudra
For practicing Kubera Mudra, follow the steps given below::
- Start with sitting comfortably in Padmasana ( lotus pose ), Veerasana ( hero pose ), Sukhasana ( simple pose ), etc.
- You can keep your eyes open or closed at your convenience.
- If you opt for open eyes, do not forget to fix your gaze at one particular point.
- You will do deep breathing with a simultaneous focus on the same.
- If you choose to keep your eyes closed, it will give an extra edge to the practice of Kubera Mudra.
- Kubera Mudra will be more effective as in the meditative state. You will tend to focus more deeply.
- Keep your hands on the thighs and slowly bring your index and middle finger opposing the tip of the thumb.
- Press the point gently so that you can feel the contact properly
- Hold the fingers and hands in this position. The upward-pointing joint of th fingertips will allow energy to move upwards. This upward-pointing will bring calming sensation to the body. You will have to keep your focus constant to feel this sensation.
- After 10 to 15 minutes, you can start releasing the Mudra slowly.
When practiced during a mediation session, Kubera Mudra tends to increase the meditative effect upon the individual. You can also choose to chant the Kubera mantra while practicing this Mudra. The mantra will help you in gaining wealth in different ways.
‘Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah’ translates to, I bow and idolize lord of wealth and fortune, who destroys all the negativity and flourish us with enormous blessings
Kubera Mudra Benefits
Regular practice of this Mudra will give you a lot of benefits in the field of joy, wealth, money, etc. we have mentioned some of these benefits here:
- If you practice Kubera Mudra daily, it will help you regain your lost focus ability and give luck, confidence, and peacefulness.
- Kubera Mudra connected with Lord of Fortune and Good Deeds. When practiced correctly, it will fulfill your desires only when pure.
- This Mudra will also help you unblock the path stopping you from achieving your desired goal.
- Practicing this Mudra while aiming for a goal will bring the energy from the universe that will help you achieve that goal.
- Under Ayurveda, the practice of Kubera Mudra increases the Vata humor in the body. The balanced state then results in enhancing creativity, work and focus.
- This Mudra will reveal problems in the Sinus, such as blocked ears and nose because this Mudra helps balance earth and water elements in the body.
Practicing Kubera Mudra will fill your life with positivity. You will be able to focus more on the things that need urgent attention, and you will see how calmly you will find the results of all the problems you might face in your life. Kubera Mudra will provide richness in life, and this richness will be of money, contentment, and joy. You will be able to achieve your goals in a very fair manner.
You can start practicing this Mudra for 10 to 15 minutes and gradually you can take it to 45 minutes. If you have a paucity of time then practicing it multiple times for a lesser duration (not less than 5-15 minutes) will also drive an equal amount of benefit.
You can practice it while walking, traveling, lying down, talking on the phone, etc. This Mudra will help you in regaining calmness and focus.

Written by HandMudra
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