Apana Mudra – Meaning, How To Do, Benefits and Precautions

by | Nov 28, 2021 | Hand Mudras | 0 comments

What do You need To Know About Apana Mudra?

By doing Apana Mudra, our body works smoothly. Because it controls the excretory system in the body, it also removes toxins from the body. Experts say that according to Chinese Philosophy and Promoters, Apana Hand Mudra is related to Wood Element. So if you want some change in your life, you can achieve change by doing this mudra.

Gesture of Apana

Apana Mudra is an asamyukta hasta mudra or single-hand gesture that allows Apana Vata to flow freely. It is used in the yogic tradition to regulate the downward rooting energy in the body; the energetic

force governing elimination and purification. It improves the functions of organs involved in elimination and excretion, such as the colon and urine bladder. It’s also known as Apana’s purification or cleansing-energy gesture. One of the five types of Vayu is Apana Vayu. It is the second of the five life forces or pranas. It’s primarily in charge of getting rid of things. It is in charge of the organs between the navel and the perineum. Small intestines, colon, urinary system, and reproductive system are among them. 

As a result, it plays a role in appropriately removing feces, farts, and urine. In a balanced state, it also facilitates ejaculation, menstruation, and the delivery of a term fetus. This gesture seeks to balance this Vayu, allowing it to manage the organs and functions of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, menstrual irregularities, premature ejaculation, impotence, and other disorders are caused by this vayu’s disruptions. Popularly known as purification or cleansing-energy gesture Apana Mudra is an excellent solution to these issues. Gheranda Samhita mentions Apana mudra as ‘mudra of digestion’.

Learn How to practice Apana Mudra

  • Sit comfortably on the ground or on a chair. If you want, you can also take the asana.
  • Keeping both your hands outward, place them on your thigh while holding the hand facing the sky.
  • Touch the upper end of the thumb with the middle and ring fingers after that. At the same time, fully stretch the index and little finger.
  • Do this with both hands.
  • Close your eyes and perform this asana.
  • Breathe in slowly, focusing on the breath.
  • If you wish, you can perform Apana Mudra by placing a candle in front of you and focusing on it.

Apana Mudra Practice Time & Precautions

Practice Time

Keep in mind to do this mudra for about 5 to 15 minutes. At the same time, by doing it two to three times, you can do it daily for about 45 minutes. So by doing this, you will get a lot of benefit from it.



By doing Apana Mudra, there is a vital energy flow in the lower part of the body. In such a situation, pregnant women should not do this mudra at the beginning of the eighth month. If she performs Apana Mudra in this state, then there are chances that there may be no miscarriage. On the other hand, if done at a later time, then normal delivery takes place. In such a situation, pregnant women must take the advice of a yoga expert about when and how to perform it. At the same time, it is better if it is done under his direction.

 Apart from this, people who suffer from diseases like cholera, diarrhea, colitis, etc., such people should not perform this asana. This is because they might have some problems.

A look at the benefits of Apana Mudra

By doing Apana Mudra, toxins are released from the body. That is, toxic substances are removed from the body.  At the same time, it also works to strengthen the strength of our bodies.  Apana mudra strengthens our digestive system and helps in removing diseases from the body. Especially it eliminates problems related to the stomach like indigestion, constipation, piles, vomiting etc. According to the advice of experts, if it is done regularly, then it gives us peace.

Apana mudra is a symbol of energy currency. In such a situation, it provides energy to the gallbladder and liver of the body. It does so by removing waste from the body. Along with improving eyesight in the body, it also helps in the healing of wounds. Not only this, but it is also very beneficial for dental health. But the most important thing is that you should take expert advice on how and how to reduce Apana Mudra. You can perform this mudra by following their given guidelines.

Know other Apana Mudra Benefits

  • Reduces menstrual problems in women.
  • It is very beneficial for the heart. People who have chest pain, if they perform it, they get a lot of benefits.  It is very useful in Cardiac Malfunction
  • If pregnant women do this, then they do not face any problems in pregnancy planning. At the same time, there is no problem of any kind in the birth of the baby.

Apana Hand Mudra Reduce The Chances of:


 When it comes to getting rid of waste from the body, this detoxification mudra is used. Apana mudra encourages Apana Vayu to work, which is responsible for the downward or outward energy flow, such as excretion, urinating, sweating, and breathing out.


The Apana Hand Mudra for Diabetes is used to clear out any pollutants in the digestive tract or surrounding glands that prevent necessary hormones from being secreted (insulin). Additionally, by urinating more frequently while executing this mudra, high sugar levels in the blood can be cleared out. Yoga Mudra for Diabetes decreases blood sugar levels and so keeps diabetes at bay.


 You get relief from this Yoga Mudra for Constipation, piles, diabetes, kidney difficulties, and dental issues. It’s the most effective hand mudra for constipation and food digestion mudra. Toxins are highly hazardous to the human body, as we all know. When we ingest food, some of it stays undigested, resulting in the production of toxins. Therefore, detoxifying the body is crucial, and the Apna Mudra aids in this process.

Hand mudra to strengthen leg joints

 Apana Hand mudra also helps to treat and prevent muscle discomfort. The use of this mudra can significantly reduce the onset of cramps and stiffness of leg joints. In addition, the practice of Apna mudra regularly can aid in tissue healing and bone strength.

Written by HandMudra

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