Apana Vayu Mudra – How to, Benefits and Precautions

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Hand Mudras | 0 comments

What is Apana Vayu Mudra and How to use it?

According to traditional Indian belief, Apana Vayu Mudra, or the “Mritsanjeevani” heart attack-saving mudra, might save lives in the event of a fatal heart attack.

The index finger is folded, and the tip contacts the base of the thumb to conduct this Mudra. The little finger is pointed outward while the ends of the thumb, middle, and ring fingers get.

It helps alleviate pain and stress by reducing the amount of oxygen in the air. In addition, the increased connection between the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger enhances both the fire and earth elements, which aids in detoxification and cleansing of the body and provides more oxygen to heart arteries.

Apana Vayu Mudra Benefits

  • Apana Vayu Mudra is said to be extremely good to the heart.
  • Regular practice of this Mudra is recommended for those with a history of heart problems.
  • For people who suffer from heartburn and indigestion, the Apana Vayu Mudra might help alleviate symptoms.

Additional uses for Apana Vayu Mudra include:

  • Many cardiac conditions can be helped if done routinely for 45 minutes every day in three 15-minute morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Increases in the body’s air element promote hardening and narrowing the coronary arteries, leading to heart disease. Arteriosclerosis of the heart can be relieved by performing this Mudra, which strengthens the cardiac muscles and removes artery blockages.
  • It provides instant relief from angina.
  • Stimulating the circulatory system helps maintain a healthy blood pressure range and prevents high and low blood pressure.
  • This Mudra quickly restores an average pulse rate in palpitations or a weak pulse.
  • In addition to relieving anxiety, it also decreases stress by calming the neurological system.
  • Yoga Mudra to improve digestion, Acidity, gas production, gas eructation, belching, and the digestive system’s strengthening are alleviated by this supplement. In addition, it cures colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other gastrointestinal ailments.
  • People with Asthma can benefit significantly from its use. Additionally, this Mudra aids in the functioning of the lungs by purifying the blood supply. Doing this Mudra for around 10 minutes before ascending stairs or walking quickly will help those who have difficulty breathing while climbing or walking fast.
  • It also works wonders in the treatment of migraines. The most common cause of a migraine or headache is a weak digestive system or an overactive nervous system. Migraine does not occur due to this Mudra’s ability to calm the nervous system and improve intestinal health.
  • It relaxes and calms the nervous system, leading to a restful night’s sleep.

The Apana Vayu Mudra can be pretty beneficial if you ever find yourself amid an emergency. Ideally, it should be done three times a day for 45 minutes total. This Hand Mudra to Prevents heart attack It can assist with various cardiac conditions if performed for a lengthy period.

How to practice Apana Vayu Mudra ?

In terms of appearance, Apana Vayu mudra appears a lot like Shunya mudra and Apana Mudra at first glance. A variety of finger movements are included in this Mudra, including those of the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers.

With this Mudra, it’s necessary to affix the tips of the thumb, middle, and ring fingers together. Next, place the index finger’s information on the thumb’s base.

Step by step, we’ll show you how to do this Mudra.

Detailed Instructions for the Apana Vayu Mudra

  • Sit in a yoga asana such as padmasana, sukhasana, or vajrasana first. These are good starting points. Relax your body and mind. Make yourself at ease in the asana. To execute a decent mudra, you must first become comfortable with it.
  • Sit on a yoga mat and see if you can do it. Helps you feel at ease and keep your equilibrium.
  • Now that you’ve done that, take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Prana will be regulated to your heart and mind due to this. You’ll be more relaxed as a result of this.

You must maintain this sitting position at all times. Let’s have a look at how to do this Mudra with our fingers now.

Apana Vayu Mudra Practice Time & Precautions

Between the hours of 4 and 6 a.m., the optimal time to conduct any mudra is.

It is usually ideal for practicing yoga with a clear mind. During the first few hours of the day, our minds are at their most alert and focused. At this hour of the day, there isn’t much noise. A more relaxed and focused state of mind is the result. As a result, the optimal time to execute this Mudra is in the morning.

Regardless of whether or not you can accomplish this workout in the morning, you can still do it at night.

According to one study1, we should hold a mudra for at least 20 minutes to achieve the optimum outcomes. Apana Vayu mudra should be practiced for 30-40 minutes at a time. It’s up to you whether you do it in a 30- to 40-minute burst or two or three 10-15-minute bursts.

    The Heart Mudra (Apana Vayu Mudra)

    Apana Vayu Mudra is the best Mudra for heart problems Regular practice of this Mudra, in addition to strengthening your heart and regularizing palpitations, helps alleviate gastrointestinal troubles. The ‘Mitra Sanjeevani Mudra,’ as it is known, is a life-saving technique for those experiencing cardiac arrest. When suffering from an angina attack, it helps to alleviate discomfort and increase blood flow.

    Here’s how to go about it:

    1. When in Padmasana [Lotus Pose], sit down.
    2. Allow your hands to rest on your thighs while you extend them outward.
    3. The hands should be facing up towards the ceiling.
    4. The fourth step is to bring your middle and ring fingers together so that they rest on the tip of your thumb.
    5. The index finger should be folded inward, allowing it to contact the base of the thumb, as shown.
    6. Extend the tiny finger in an outward motion.
    7. Hold the Mudra for as long as you like with your eyes closed.


    This does not have a specified count. The recommended amount of time for those with heart conditions or hypertension is a half-hour twice a day, divided into two 30-minute sessions.

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