Shankh Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

Shankh Mudra: What Does It Mean And How To Do It?
If you are unknown about Shakti Mudra, you should know how it will be helpful to overcome the fear of speaking, purify Nadis, and improve the functioning of the larynx. It is a different type of hand gesture with many benefits. So users can also do Shakti Mudra with other Mudras to get excellent benefits to the body.
It is a very different type of hand gesture that will make the shape of a Conch Shell. This type of shell is mainly used to worship Hindu God and Goddess, so overall, it will have a positive impact on your body. Performing Shankh Mudra will remove all the negativities beside us and purify our whole body to make ourselves mentally fit. Our Spiritual journey will be incredible after continuous practicing for Shankhi Mudra.
What Does Shankh Mudra mean?
Shankh Mudra is a gesture that removes all the negativities inside our bodies. This Mudra has the shape of a Conch Shell, which is used to have an upbeat sound during the worshipping of God. If we concentrate on the sound of a Conch Shell, we will know that there is a sound of ‘Om,’ and it will be beneficial to remove all the negativities in our minds and help us move in the right direction.
To perform this Mudra, the hands should be just in front of the heart and below the throat, then start chanting Om with a fully focused mind. It is recommended all the users do more practice to get optimum and more effective results. Now let us know how to do Shankh Mudra.
How to Practice Shankh Mudra?
So users have to make a Mudra having shaped like Conch Shell. It will be an easy task for the users to do this Mudra. Let us understand the process step-by-step for clarification –
- First of all, users need to sit in a Vajrasana position and make sure their shoulders and spine are straight without letting them down.
- Now take both of your hands in front of your Solar plexus chakra. Just keep your hands in front of your tummy.
- Then you have to start wrapping your thumb with the four fingers of another hand. Just cover the left-hand thumb with right-hand fingers and then keep all other four fingers of the left-hand straight.
- Now touch the tip of your left-hand middle finger with the right-hand thumb. Your hand will look in a position like a Conch Shell.
- Now users have to stay in this position for the maximum time for better results. Users need to keep their hands just touching the heart’s middle and start chanting Om.
- Your eyes should be closed while chanting Om so that you can feel your breathing process and focus only on your chanting.
- After doing Shankh Mudra for one hand, switch your hands and try this Mudra for another hand.
That’s in this way, users can practice Shankh Mudra. As we have seen, many people find it challenging to do this Mudra, so it is always recommended to do more practice of Shankh Mudra for the best results.
Shankh Mudra Practice Time and Precautions
Well, time plays a huge role in showing you results for Shankh Mudra, and that’s why doing it for a more extended period is always recommended. Generally, an average person can do Shankh Mudra for 15 minutes to an hour. We will advise an average person to do Shankh Mudra for at least 15 minutes a single time, and doing it three times will be very beneficial for you. But if you have any allergic symptoms, fever, or digestive issues, you can practice Shankh Mudra for a longer duration.
The best time to do Shankh Mudra is in the morning because you will have a lot of freshness in the morning, and the pollution-free air will be very beneficial for you. Users should also take care of the precautions they should take while doing Shankh Mudra. So a person having Kapha Dosh should not perform Shankh Mudra for a long time because it can negatively impact their body by having excessive sleep, making them feel anxious and in pain. So users should always consult their doctor to get confirmation whether they should do Shankh Mudra or not. Now let us know about some of its benefits.
Shankh Mudra Benefits
- Shankh Mudra will be very helpful to bring a lot of confidence, and users will be able to remove the fear of talking with strangers. It directly impacts your Vishuddha Chakra, which is why users will not hesitate to speak with different people.
- It will benefit vocal disorder, as it directly impacts your voice box. So you will be able to feel that your voice gets improved, and you will obtain the permanent rid of stuttering and stammering.
- Shankh Mudra has a direct impact on Pitta Dosha, and that’s why it can improve the quality of the skin by removing all the redness and rashes from the skin.
- Users will also be able to get rid of the allergies due to some infection in the throat. The voice will be more apparent after continuous practicing Shankh Mudra.
- Shankh Mudra will also help to remove all the negative thoughts that come to your mind and will provide a lot of relief to your mind.
These are the main benefits of Shankh Mudra, but users need to make sure that Shankh Mudra will benefit only if they are doing it correctly, and it will be possible only when you are practicing it.
Doing Shankh Mudra at the time of meditation will always be very helpful, and that’s why users should do this Mudra in the morning. Any person can do Shankh Mudra, and if they want to have more benefits through this Mudra, they should try to stay for a long time in this Mudra at a quiet place.

Written by HandMudra
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