Shunya Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

What is Shunya Mudra? How to do it and What are its Benefits?

Doing Yoga Mudra will keep you physically and mentally fit and you should know that we have five elements in our body. Earth, Air, water, space, and fire. We all have these elements inside us and Space element is the most dominant one. Space Element will always remain dominant over other elements and that’s why performing Shunya Mudra can be very beneficial for us. Now let us know more about Shunya Mudra.

Shunya Mudra Meaning

Shunya Mudra is the Gesture of Emptiness that is mainly performed to reduce the space Element inside our body. This Mudra is also called Heaven Mudra because there is the performance of your middle finger that will be very helpful to reduce the space Element in your body. This is also a popular hand gesture to treat ear-related problems. 

We can easily understand with its name that you will be able to feel emptiness. This is also called the motion mudra for sickness. Any age of person can do this and there is no fixed time to perform it but make sure that you have to follow with full of perfection to get amazing results. So let us know how to do this mudra.

How to Practice Shunya Mudra?

Performing this Mudra requires a lot of practice and this mudra can be performed through the middle finger and thumb. So let us know the step-by-step guide about how to do Shunya Mudra. 

  • First of all, you need to find a quiet place where you can do this Mudra with concentration. Then you have to sit in a Padmasana position so that it can be performed easily.
  • Now you need to close your eyes and just start feeling your breaths. Just start inhalation and exhalation for one minute to come to the exact position. You can also perform this Mudra while getting your eyes open but for better results, your eyes should be closed. 
  • Now you have to open your hands and just fold the middle finger of your hand and keep it at the bottom of your thumb.
  • Then just keep your thumb on the middle of your middle finger and just have some gentle pressure on the finger. 
  • You need to make sure that all other fingers of your hands are extended and should be a bit stretched. 
  • Keep exact same position of another hand also and keep both of your hands on your knees. 

That’s it, in this way, you will be able to start practicing Shunya Mudra. This is the best hand mudra to cure numbness. Practicing regularly can be very beneficial for you and you will be able to stay longer. Now let us know about its duration.

Shunya Mudra Practice Time and Precautions

Well, if we talk about practice time then you can do it anytime. But it will be the best option to do it in the morning when we are fresh and get pollution-free free air. The morning will be the best time when you will not get any type of disturbance from other sides. 

The practice duration depends on how the space Element is dominating other elements. So in the starting, you should do it for 30 minutes a day. You can do it twice a day for 15 minutes for better and most effective results. When you are habitual to it then just start to decrease the practice time because now space Element is already reduced. 

Taking Precautions is quite necessary so that we can get results as per our expectations. That’s why it is always recommended for all the users not to press the thumb too hard because it can hurt your hand and you will stop doing this Mudra. If you are feeling weak anytime then you shouldn’t perform this Mudra. 

The most important thing you need to make sure of is that when you are cured of a particular issue then you shouldn’t have to perform it for a long time. As it can start reducing the space Element in your body, which is not a good option for you. So these are the basic things that you need to make sure of while doing Shunya Mudra.

Shunya Mudra Benefits

    • Users will not have to face ear-related issues when they will do Shunya Mudra. Listening to music and pollution impacts a lot on your ears and it has a bad impact on your space Element. That’s why doing Shunya Mudra can be very beneficial for your ear-related issues. 
    • Shunya Mudra will help to prevent motion sickness and vertigo issues. In Motion Sickness, our mind will not be able to get proper signals and it can cause many issues to our brain. Dizziness is the main symptom of motion sickness that will never let you do anything. So just do Shunya Mudra to get rid of vertigo, nausea, and motion sickness. 
    • It will help to cure numbness, it is the situation when you will be able to lose your sense partially or fully. You will not be able to do any work because of excessive space Element present in your body. So doing Shunya Mudra will help to reduce space element in your body.
    • It will also prevent heart disease, as the base of the thumb gets touched with the tip of the middle finger and it is a sign of acupressure. The touch of the finger will prevent the happening of any heart disease. 
    • This Mudra will help to get rid of thyroid disease. It has a direct impact on your thyroid gland and when the space Element gets reduced inside your body, it will also help to cure hormonal behaviour and will keep you always fit.

    So these are the main benefits of doing Shunya Mudra.


    That’s all about Shunya Mudra, this Mudra needs a bit of practice so that you can stay for a long time. Any age person can do this Mudra and can take benefits of it. But make sure that it is not hurting you in any other sense.

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