Surya Mudra – How to do, Benefits and Precautions

Surya Mudra: How to do it and What are its Benefits?
We all know that Sun is the main source of energy and if we are getting the benefits of that energy through some Mudras then why shouldn’t we enjoy that benefit. There are several ways through which we can bring that energy inside our body and Surya Mudra is one of them, which is very popular and has various health benefits.
Surya Mudra is the Gesture of the Sun’s energy and making habit of doing this Mudra has a lot of benefits. Every Mudra has different benefits and Surya Mudra will help in weight loss with regular practice only.
What is Surya Mudra?
Surya Mudra is a type of finger arrangement that helps us to keep ourselves healthy. This finger arrangement can be done very easily in which we will get some energy through the sunlight. Surya Mudra helps to reduce the earth element of our body and increases fire element. That’s why this Mudra is also called Agni Mudra.
It is always necessary to balance the five elements of our body to live a healthy life. That’s why Surya Mudra increases fire element to have a proper balance in our body. This is a very popular hand mudra to improve metabolism. Any person can do Surya Mudra and can grab some amazing benefits. Now let us know how to do this Mudra.
How to practice Surya Mudra?
Doing Surya Mudra is not a tough task but for correct placement, you need to take the help of another hand so that it can be done effectively. So let me tell you a step-by-step guide on how to practice Surya Mudra.
- First of all, users need to find a quiet place where they can perform Surya Mudra. For that, they have to sit in a Padmasana position properly. It can also be done while standing but you need to do it for 15 minutes and that’s why sitting can be the best option.
- Now you have to do the proper placement of fingers by bending the ring finger of your hand in that way so that it can touch the base of your thumb.
- Then you have to keep your thumb on the second phalanx of your ring finger and make sure that you are not making more pressure on it.
- All the other fingers should be a little stretched and face the upward direction without any movement.
- Users need to do this placement with another hand also and then keep both of their hands on their kneecaps.
- If you find it a bit difficult then you can take the help of another hand and can start doing Surya Mudra.
That’s it, in this way, Surya Mudra can be practiced effectively. In the starting, your placement can be difficult for you but after regular practice, you can do it with full perfection. Now let us know some more things about Surya Mudra.
Surya Mudra Practice Time and Precautions
Well, if we talk about the ideal duration of this Mudra then users should do it in the evening or morning. As this Mudra produces heat inside the body and that’s why noon time should be fully avoided. It can also be performed at other times but there should not be the presence of heat at that time.
Users need to make sure that they have taken the gap of at least 2 hours of doing this Mudra and heavy meal. The meal also produces heat inside our body and that’s why this gap is necessary. The ideal duration of this Mudra is 45 minutes but if you are not able to do it for so long then you should do 15 minutes three times a day. It is a very popular hand to mudra to reduce cholesterol and that’s why you should take care of the duration time.
Now if we talk about its precautions then let me tell you that you have to do Surya Mudra at an open place in summers specially. Users should not do Surya Mudra when they have a fever because it adds more heat to their bodies.
Users should always do Surya Mudra while having a glass of water to keep cooling inside and a person having low weight shouldn’t perform this Mudra because it can reduce more weight. So these are the basic things that you need to take care of, now let us know about the benefits of Surya Mudra.
Surya Mudra Benefits
- Doing Surya Mudra will be very helpful to maintain the metabolism of the body. It increases fire element and decreases earth element, that’s why the metabolism will be maintained effectively.
- Doing this Mudra will help in cold weather because it generates heat inside the body. That’s why users will get rid of cough, dry skin, sore throat, and flu.
- It will help to improve the digestion process caused due to the imbalance of Pitta Humour and if you want to get rid of it then just start doing Surya Mudra effectively.
- This Mudra will also help to reduce cholesterol inside the blood vessels and it will prevent any type of heart disease. Apart from that, it will also help to get cured of diabetes.
- This Mudra will fully control the symptoms that are common in cold weather like shivering and coldness of body parts.
- Surya Mudra will help to reduce weight effectively, as the weight rises because of the poor digestion process and poor sleeping patterns. This Mudra will balance all the digestion processes and will improve sleeping disorders by letting the earth element down.
- It will help to make your eye contrast stronger because the fire element has direct contact with your cortex. When you are doing Surya Mudra, you will feel that you don’t have any need for glasses further.
This Mudra is also called Panacea Mudra for weight loss and doing it regularly can make you strong. It is always recommended to do Surya Mudra especially, in Winters to generate some heat inside the body and provide a lot of relaxation.

Written by HandMudra
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